
The identity verification of PAYMONT clients is ensured by Ondato

A modern and increasingly popular way of verifying the identity of clients, which is required when opening an account, is remote verification. Clients thus avoid a personal visit to a branch of the given bank or payment institution. This is currently the most widespread method, and is used for verification of individuals. When setting up an account with PAYMONT, clients go through an identity verification process using the application of a Lithuanian technology company, Ondato, UAB.

How does the identity verification process through Ondato’s technology work?

As part of the verification process, clients are provided with a link and a QR code for easier loading of the link on which clients will perform the verification. The ideal means of identification is a mobile phone or tablet, but it can also be done using a laptop with a camera. The basic prerequisite for smooth verification is a high-quality camera (on a mobile phone, tablet or notebook) and sufficient lighting conditions. The whole process takes up to 3 minutes.

What documents are needed for identification purposes?

Verification is possible using an ID card or passport. In the case of an identity card, clients are invited to take a photo of both sides of the ID so that the system can read all available data. If using a passport, it is necessary for the client to have another document, in which their name and permanent address are indicated. It is possible to use, for example, a permanent residence permit.


What happens during the process?

– The technology evaluates the state of the documents and the presence of security features on the personal documents presented by the client.

– The technology can read the so-called MRZ zone on documents, i.e. some data from personal documents does not need to be entered manually.

– During the identification process, clients are asked to take a photo of their face, and the technology then compares this photo with the photo on their personal document.

– In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, Ondato’s technology also checks whether the name of the account applicant is not on the so-called restrictive lists. These are lists of persons to whom financial institutions are not allowed to provide their services.


Is the data provided by the client as part of the identification process safe?

Ondato processes the personal data of account applicants solely in accordance with the purposes set out above. Before the identification process begins, the client is shown a consent form to process personal data for identification purposes for confirmation.

The Ondato company complies with the high standards and requirements set by the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European financial market supervisory authority, which, among other things, supervises the proper handling of personal data of clients of financial institutions by third parties.


Why did PAYMONT choose the Lithuanian company Ondato for this type of cooperation?

The transformation of the economy and state administration into a digital environment is at a very advanced level in Lithuania, and it can be unequivocally said that the Lithuanian environment is a hotbed of innovative companies and the technologies they develop and use. At the same time, the regulatory environment is also extremely progressive, reacting with sufficient speed to developments in the field of information technology, and does not set barriers to their use for common daily needs.

Ondato was chosen as one of several providers of the given solution in Lithuania based on the best references of our partners in Lithuania, as well as taking into account the good experience of the Central Bank of Lithuania with the use of Ondato technology by other financial market participants.